Just like our generous donors and hardworking volunteers, these organizations have partnered with River Cities United Way to unite against homelessness, to unite against hunger, to fight for the success of children, seniors, and veterans and to fight for financial stability in our community. By shopping with these businesses, you're taking the steps to join us, to Unite Against the Cycle of Poverty. These businesses are dedicating a portion of their proceeds to United Way. It's an easy and fun way to give back and benefit your community.

Every little bit counts and when supporters of United Way shop at
smile.amazon.com, the donations quickly add up. It's super easy
to help ensure success by shopping the world's largest marketplace.
Remember, only purchases at smile.amazon.com will provide donations,
purchases on amazon.com or the mobile app do not donate.

Smith's Inspiring Donations will donate .5% of all
eligible spending to River Cities United Way for
customers that have linked their rewards card.